DIY Homemade Dairy-Free Unsweetened Yogurt by Mimi Clark, Veggie Gourmet

DIY Homemade Dairy-Free Unsweetened Yogurt with Belle & Bella Non-Dairy Yogurt Starter

1. Prepare yogurt machine according to directions. Check out YoMagic Automatic Yogurt Maker

2. Pour 32 oz. Westsoy Unsweetened Plain or Westsoy Unsweetened Vanilla Soymilk into a 4-cup Pyrex measure or a clean pot.

3. Add 1 Tblsp. maple syrup to the soymilk to "feed" the culture. Gently stir to incorporate with a clean wire whisk.

4. Heat the milk @90 seconds in a microwave, or a few minutes on stovetop (times will vary). Then test the temperature with a thermometer (unless your machine has a built- in thermometer). To avoid contamination, it's best to use one that you do not immerse in the milk, like this It is critical that the milk is between 110 and 115 degrees (beyond 115 will kill the culture and below 110 will not activate the culture). If necessary, continue heating the milk in short intervals until it reaches 110 - 115 degrees. If it's too hot, let it cool to the recommended temperature.

5. When the temperature is reached, pour 1 packet of Belle and Bella non-dairy yogurt starter into the milk and gently stir with a whisk. No need to test the temperature again, but act quickly to pour milk into the yogurt machine per manufacturer's instructions.

6. Set the machine for  8 - 14 hours depending on how tangy you like your yogurt. For your first trial, taste the yogurt after 8 hours to see if it has the right "bite" (I like it tangy so I incubate for 14 hours).  When the yogurt is ready, refrigerate it in a large container, or in single serve jars. 

NOTES:  1) If you do not have a yogurt maker, you can use an oven pilot light, a heating pad, a thermos, etc. provided that the receptacle can maintain a temperature of 110 - 115 degrees for the entire incubation period. 2) I have not tried using almond or coconut milk. Low fat non-dairy milk is not recommended. 3) After you make yogurt the first time, you can use 1/4 cup of your yogurt to "start" your next batch (aka "second generation")  instead of using another packet of starter. 4) The texture of this yogurt is similar to custard. If you prefer a creamier texture, add a few tblsp of pureed cashew cream, organic soymilk powder, organic cornstarch, or organic tapioca starch in Step 4 when you heat the milk. In my trials, however, I did not find that these additions had a significant impact on the yogurt's texture. 5) Homemade dairy-free yogurt has many applications including sauces, dressings, raita, tzaziki, etc. Enjoy!


2017, Mimi Clark, Veggie Gourmet


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